6 Seasonal Maintenance Tweaks to Give Your Home

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In south Florida, seasons do in fact change-- even if it doesn’t feel like it. With every season comes a change in the weather, and it means a change in what you should be doing around the house, too. In a recent Zillow article, 11 fall maintenance tasks to do during this season were highlighted; while not all of them apply to us Floridians, some of them are actually quite necessary things for all homeowners to do that are often forgotten about. In this blog, we’ll outline the tasks that Floridians should be doing this fall season, inspired by Zillow’s original blog. 

1. Clean the gutters

While we won’t have any golden foliage falling to the ground this season, leaves and debris of all kinds can get lodged in your gutters all year round. With all the rain we get in south Florida, having a clear gutter is necessary to prevent roof and water damage. Use this season as an excuse to take a look at one of the least-cleaned spots of a home and see if it’s in need of a good cleansing. Take a look at The Home Depot’s guide on how to clean gutters properly. 

2. Speaking of the roof...

Though hurricane season only lasts through November, we see nasty storms throughout the whole year here in the Sunshine State. Be sure all of your roof shingles are in place this fall before any other storms hit to prevent damage and injury. 

3. Spot check on the inside & outside 

Take a walk through the inside of your house and along the outside and watch out for any exterior damage, like foundation cracks or any breakage in stone, tile or gravel. Any damage like this can be a liability to both you and others, so it’s better to be safe than sorry and conduct a walking inspection. On the inside, watch out for any gaps or spaces around doors and windows that could be allowing air to escape--sealing these up will save you some $$ on your next A/C bill! 

4. Clean your dryer vents

When cooler weather comes around, it causes lint in your dryer to build up more readily. This can cause your dryer to work less efficiently and could even cause a fire. Click here for a guide on how to clean your dryer vents the right way. 

5. Test out home devices & check insurance

Check out your A/C unit, water heater, carbon monoxide & smoke detectors, alarm systems and any other devices to make sure they’re working properly. Be sure to also check up on your home insurance coverage, as the two go hand-in-hand. Checking all of these things will get you ready for every possible scenario.

6. Deep clean your kitchen

The upcoming holiday season is a time where kitchens are used more than ever, from that big Thanksgiving meal to Christmas cookies in December. Use the beginning of this season as an opportunity to deep clean your kitchen in preparation of this: Clean the oven and other small appliances, degrease your stove and its hood, dust any kitchen light fixtures, wipe down counters and backsplashes, and clean, organize and check the filter of your refrigerator.

Use this season to perform these routine maintenance tasks on your home for a stress-free, productive fall. If you’re a renter or part of an association who feels like you need a little extra help with upkeep like this, look no further than a partnership with us at Certified Residential Management Group. We’ll take care of all the hassles and increase your residential lifestyle and property value in the process.