Our Top Tips for the Most Productive Work From Home Space

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If you feel like the word “Zoom” has taken over your vocabulary, you’re not alone; in fact, it means you’re in the same boat as a lot of other working people. This is the era of working from home. We're doing it, you’re doing it, your neighbor is probably doing it, and people states away are doing it, too. Even when things eventually get back to normal and we’re back in our offices, this adjustment period we’re in right now has probably shown us the importance of setting up at least one small area in our homes dedicated to focusing and being productive. Below are our top tips for setting yourself up for success when working from home. 

1. Choose the right spot

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Not only should you have a well-lit, uncluttered, and dedicated space for yourself, but video calls are the new normal now, so you should have a somewhat professional background to be chatting in front of. Pick a spot in your house that’s facing a window-- rather than one where the window is behind you-- so you get optimal lighting to do your work and won’t show up as a silhouette when you show up for your Zoom call. An empty to minimally decorated wall is probably best. 

2. Make a wise seating choice 


We know, we know: It’s so tempting to take advantage of “working from home” as an excuse to just stay in bed all day and work from there. As pointless as it may seem, getting up out of your bed and getting ready for work as though you were going to your office is the best way to start your work day, so you’ll need a place to go to. Opt for a comfortable chair that lets you sit upright and not slouched. There’s evidence that actually shows that working from your bed can decrease the quality of your sleep, for if you get into this habit, you’ll lose that boundary between work and home. Even the couch can be a dangerous place to work if you’re prone to afternoon naps. We’re not saying you need a big, fancy desk, but that you should simply proceed with caution when making the bedroom your office. 

3. Make it your space


Keep your space uncluttered, but be sure to bring in things that make you happy. If that means bringing in a plant, putting up a photo of people you love, lighting a candle, or keeping a cup of coffee constantly filled and on your desk, go for it! It’s all about being productive and actually wanting to work, and in a space that you enjoy and feel comfortable in, that’ll be more likely. Make sure to take frequent breaks by eating something or taking a walk outside, too!

We’re all in this together!